How do you make a random player be chosen as the seeker

Hey Any one know how to make so when they press start then a random player gets chosen to be the seeker and another player gets chosen to be the seeker.

have a lifecycle, then a relay set to random player. wire the lifecycle to the relay, then place down a team switcher that switches them to team 2, and wire the relay to the team switcher. Make sure in map settings that the teams are set to cooperative.

That sets a random player to team 2, or the seeker

i dont get it, send a pic?

(Lifecycle) Event Occurs —> (Relay, Random Player) Trigger Relay

(Relay) Relay Trigger —> (Team Switcher) Switch Player to Configured Team

Make sure the teams are set to cooperative.

k, thanks! didnt understand

Do I have to do that for the seekers also


okay thanks you got the solution

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