How do you make a game where you have a limited amount of players?

I’m making a Battle Royale game and I was wondering how you could make it so that only a certain amount of players can jo!n or less. Thanks for considering.

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A live player counter, when counter reachings the limit, maybe?

Maybe. Is this thing a counter?

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Yeah it is a counter.

The All Important Player IDs
Use player ids. Make a block that runs for all players at the start, using a relay and lifecycle, that makes all players with x+ player id spectator, with a team switcher.


Could you maybe use images? And you can’t jo!n in late.

You can go in settings to change whether or not late players j oin as spectators, so what you can do is have a certain amount of players to start by using a zone and a counter, then once it reaches six it activates a trigger that will change all j ion late players to spectators.


For example, have the player counter set to have a target of six, and once it reaches that target it sets all j oin late players to spectator.

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But in the game, you can’t come in late.

Er… Zone over spawn pad increase when player enters zone, target of six, transmits on a channel that starts the game.

Yeah. But the counter has to reach six, and then the game will start. After that, if anyone else j oins. They will automatically become spectators. Does that work?
Actually, have it update a property, then use block code to compare that property with a number. That number is six. Then, if it is less than or equal to, the game starts. Run this code at game start. If the answer is ye, the a the game begins. If no, it returns an error message.

But can you make it that less people can jo!n and that the game will start?

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To do this:

  1. Make the team settings cooperative.
  2. Make team switchers switch a random person on team one to another team, up to the number of teams as you want max players.
  3. Set a relay to all players to specific team (Team 1) and set them to spectators.

This should work!!!

But this is a Battle Royale game. There are two teams and they fight!

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I edited my answer, use block code to do a comparison and then return on a channel if it works.

I mean I just don’t get it. People need to use images these days!
And I don’t have anyone else with me. How would I test it out?

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This is the block code, use a zone to I creas a counter and then the property.
Sorry, it should be equals or less than I think.

Okay. The amount is actually four on each team, but do you need to do more than the block code?

Yep, just place a zone right over spawn and set it to transmit to a counter when a player enters. Then, connect that to the property. Also, have it run the code on game start, using a lifecycle. So it would instantly check as soon as everyone had loaded in and then either start the game or send an error message, you choose!

Do you mean spawn pad?