How do you make a game overlay that shows which power ups are active by showing an emoji

so I’m trying to make a game overlay that shows what power ups are active by showing emojis (in the same game overlay not by using separate ones) like how would you make it add the activated power up emoji along with another one that’s activated whilst not showing the other unactivated ones?

If you have a property that tracks which power ups are active, then what you should do is when it runs the block, use a variable and set it to blank text. Then check if each power up property is equal to 1, and if it is, then set the variable to join itself, and the emoji that corresponds to the power up.

hold on I’m confused can you give me a screenshot of the block code? because if I’m supposed to separately check each property there’s an action to do for each but is that what I’m supposed to do or am I just supposed to just cram it all together with “and” blocks?

Like this


oki thanks I’ma try it rq i’ll let u know if it works

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tweaking my system a bit so its compatible so gimme a couple more minutes

it didn’t work one emoji is showing up just not the others oh wait hold on I think It might be cuz I set the blocks wrong

Huh it should be working…

nvm I set it like you did but its still only showing one emoji

I’ma try something rq

I’ll look at mine for a sec

brb gotta do school stuff for a minute or 2

Ok first thing I would check when you get back is make sure the properties are number properties.

I’m back and I just had an idea I’ma see if it works

I got it to at least change emojis but not show multiple :confused:

yeah they are

Not sure to help you with this kind of stuff, but glad someone else is.
Also, yeah, I’m back. :expressionless: Won’t be that active. It feels kinda lonely here.
(I’m improving my block code, though.)


Yeah I just tested it with my code and it seems to be working fine for me…

well then idk lemme test it out again with a different delay between power ups

it changes powerups but it stops changing after a bit it might be a trigger loop problem lemme check rq

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