How do you make a dig it up game?
What do you mean? You mean how to make the blocks?
dynamic terrain and a shop made of popups or vending machines or dialogue if have season ticket
If you’re talking about the blocks, thats dynamic terrain.
PLaformer with dynamic terrain and pickaxe
Use dynamic terrain and popups.
Most likely you make a platformer map, turn off gravity, fly up for a while, then place a spawn point. Place some solid terrain, then place a lot of dynamic terrain beneath that. Make sure to give the player a pickaxe or something as well.
not too high, maybe 75-100 blocks bcs we cant go as high
I do not know how to make players able to dig and I do not know how to make terrain underground while in game.
dynamic terrain and pickaxes do it automatically.
you cant, place dynamic in editor and give players a pickaxe
Go to terrain and search dynamic. Then give the players the pickaxe gadget.l
many people have helped you, I also linked a guide
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Click terrain
Then, select any of the terrains with the word “dynamic” in front of them. These are breakable blocks.
To change how many you place with a click, click the brush size button and change it
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