How do you make a bounty system?

(Lifecycle) Event Occurs —> (Counter) Increment Counter

(Counter) Target Value Reached —> (Trigger) Trigger

That’ll trigger the trigger therefore running the randomizer blockcode.

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how do you do that?

@Haiasi literally just told you…


the randomizer blockcode, sheesh.

Search up a randomizer guide

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Umm… It tells me to use blocks in the repeater but that’s Gimpossible.

Just connect a repeater to an item granter or notification or something and work fom there

Arent you able to use waypoints? (all on a different channel)

That’s really helpful…

Waypoints wouldn’t really do anything in this context right?

Player knockouts someone else-update property using counter—then target is 3 and if target is reached activate bounty…(also you will need as many properties+counters for the max players going to be in game)

Get a repeater
Get an item granter
Open blocks on the item granter and make the block thing in the guide
Then get a wire and connect the repeater to the item granter
It should be “repeater runs task → run wire pulse” or whatever it is exactly
that should work

Which one?
Screenshot 2023-12-04 6.47.41 PM

On wire pulse

I think this relates to the knockout manager device…
Oh, and welcome to the forum, Johan!

Welcome to the forum!

Player knockouts someone else-update property using counter—then target is 3 and if target is reached activate bounty…(also you will need as many properties+counters for the max players going to be in game) with knockout manager to start it did not seem to help so that is not solution…welcome to forum @JohanGim

why are you welcoming urself?

Lol good question!