How do you create a progress save file? (NOT SAVING THE MAP)

It depends on how hard they are. I do not think gimkit can solve some of those differential equations.

No. Thatā€™s too easy. Try something else.

I have an idea. You know how some systems of equations have multiple solutions? We could model it on something like that. Maybe a parabola passing through a circle? Or integer solutions to elliptical curves. So thereā€™s a keycode with the x value for the solution. The computer then decodes with the other solutionā€™s x value and voila! So, depending on the save code inputted, the save code outputted will be different, even if you donā€™t progress at all. This would be THE HARDEST THING EVER TO DO.


Has this been resolved yet?

You could use coordinate grids that open a popup from a game overlay and changes text (popup) using blocks

I think that when somebody wants to save their progress, they press an overlay, and that gives them a 10-digit number code. Then when they want to play again, they put in the code and the map decodes the code.

A number/letter corresponds to every different aspect of the game you want to save.

Currently, there is no way for a player to leave a map as a player and then return with their progress saved. Itā€™s pretty far off, but I do hope in the future that we can add some saving abilities to Gimkit Creative.

Itā€™s hard to make a perfect save system as maps can change over time, but perhaps we can make it so you retain your position, inventory, and property values when you load back in.


Yeah @josh that would be so helpful!
Anyways, back to the topic,
You could set a zone that updates the content of a Game Overlay when you enter it.

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We need a way for the computer to know that the code inputted is from the computer itself and not from the player.


Well, then the player can find out how to input 99% save file and it will all go down.

Probably a new device would be nice, to control loading save data, and what data is being loaded (everything, just properties, just items, only a specific property or item) since then as a GCK game maker you have a lot of control over how and when the data is loaded, along with when the data is saved.

Also, being able load data for a specific player ID would be nice as well, it could be useful in doing things like making global world record leaderboards for a game.

I really donā€™t like just making a device when we need a function. A text input would be cool, but definitely not a save data.

Well what I see as a big upside with save data is the ability to probably abuse something to make a high score leaderboard. It also is basically the same as a system that inputs from the user, except the user canā€™t tamper with the data without knowing how to tamper with the web socket. (Which, I believe only a few people know how to do)

Really? You can alter some numbers in the save code and that will alter the properties.

In my concept for a save device, what happens is when the device is triggered, the player who triggered its id and the map id are sent to the servers. The save data is the retrieved and sent back to the player, where it gets loaded into properties and the player inventory.

Like player id player id or like something else?

What do you mean player id player id?

Like my guide on player ids. I use them in all my advanced guides.