How do I setup respawning
Welcome to our community @MEGHAN! May you elaborate on what you need done? How exactly do you want respawning to be “set-up?”
Respawn by "touch"
This is when a certain player enters an area, and when they do they respawn
The Device is called a zone and a damager
wire the zone as “out” to the damager as in, look below for out and in, the yellow highlight around the circle is the part of the wire you’re currently on
don’t mind the red line, I didn’t edit the wire yet
a screen like this should pop up
configure/choose the first settings for both
then just x out now the line should be green and you can move it, the final part is the damager device settings
or tap to modify
these should be the items you get, but the damage dealt is 15, change it to the highest of 10000 and close out,
and then you’re done! you can modify the zone settings to be visible! I hope this helps! :3
Oh *yea i forgor respawners existed, sorreh-
Re spawn is a feature already built into the game!
Simply use a spawn pad.
use a respawner device
(and welcome here!)
Or better yet give them a health bar in settings add lasers when they run out of health due to the lasers kiling them then they respawn automatically or place a zone and respawn deviece and wires and player enters zone —> respawn or when a gadget kils them
The best thing probably, is to have a button overlay that says “Respawn”, and then connect it to a respawn device
There should be a player spawner?
To have a respawn constantly on screen simply get a game overlay and put its settings to this
And a respawn with settings of this
Just use a respawner device, no need for all that.
use a laser and a respawn, also welcome to the community!
that depends on what you want to use it for.
could I get more info on what you want to use the respawning device for so it could suit your needs? @MEGHAN
Do you mean by forcing a player to respawn? Also, welcome to the forums!
Respawning is by default enabled in Gimkit Creative. Players have infinite lives. If you want them to respawn in certain places, then check out the checkpoint device,
whoa a comma what the grammar mistake
If you want someone to respawn at a specific place, you could just put a spawn pad, or a checkpoint.