How do I set the number of players allowed at once in the map?

How do I set the number of players allowed at once in the map? I want to create a solo map

I don’t think you can set the number of players in a game.

While there isn’t a setting for this, you can turn everybody except for the host/first player into spectators. What you do is make a lifecycle listening for game start and connect that to a relay relating to all other players. Make that relay broadcast to a team switcher switching the player to a spectator. Make another lifecycle listening for late joining and make that also broadcast to the team switcher.


Perhaps use a live player counter,
if the number of people is greater than the people required, end the game or switch extras to spectators.

This technique was used in @Ben_to_the_10th 's Freeze Tag

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just put a trigger on the spawn point that can be triggered once, and scope it to player.
wire it to a counter and if it’s over two, then do whatever you need to do to end the game.

Thank you; it helps a lot.

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if it worked, mark a solution!

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