im making a map and its supposed to be when the player teleports it remove the item
get an item granter and wire it to the teleporter so that when the player teleports here, grant item, and have the item granter grant a negative item
so i put it to - the number?
If you want someone to lose everything they have of a certain item, you can use an inventory item manager, set it up for the right item, and then you can make it clear item from inventory when receiving on.
example? how to do it pls
oh thank you guys helped a lot
Make sure that you search for your question in simple terms before you post as many people in help ask obvious questions/ones that there is already a guide for.
you can also use a inventory manager. You set the object to whatever you want to be removed and connect it to the teleporter (s).
Set it when player teleports here - clear inventory (it will only remove the object you set the inventory manager to).
Please don’t necropost
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