How do I randomize who will be the knockout-er and innocents

How do I randomize the roles for the players in a knockout mystery game?

please do not bump when you just posted your topic.

use this:

You can’t bump a topic this early unless you need to scroll a lot to find it.

Maybe use a lifecycle attached to a relay that makes everyone on one team and also another relay that makes a random person on another team?

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Oh yea kinda forgot

Theirs a setting in map options for teams, you can make it random.

Like this?

you would need a randomizer to pick imposter/murderer or innocent.
that will individually pick players then place them in 1 team.
(i think)

Yeah a relay that tells a team switcher to put everyone on one team and then another relay to tell another team switcher to put a random person on another team


I gonna try that

It worked now, how do i give a gadget and a pop-up to the m^urder team when the game starts?

item granter to when they switch to that team.
same thing with popup

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