How do i make the leaderboard seconds

Your problem is you’re using the -loop for both triggers, causing it to trigger itself and the other trigger.
Just grab two wire repeaters. Wire your lifecycle for game start to a relay (all players) to the wire repeater. Both have a delay of 1 second. Now they should both wire to each other to repeat the wire pulse. Then, wire both of them to the counter to increment the counter, and all of the other stuff with the property should be just how WSG explained!

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Good idea Bird, but the trigger loop I showed divy works pretty well. He just had the channels mixed up.

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@WSG are you ready to work again?

Sure! Are you on the map? If so, go to the trigger with the +game start again.

okay :+1: :wink: good @WSG

So you see where you have the +game start? Is it in the “trigger when receiving”?

yes it is where you said see

Okay good, the other trigger has -loop for both spots right? And have the delay as 1 second.

(post deleted by author)


Are those two separate triggers? One trigger should be like the picture and the other trigger should have the channel -loop for both “trigger when receiving on” and “When triggered, transmit on”.

this is what I did for that

If everything is set-up like before with the counter increasing on the channel -loop and the property it’s tied to is tied to the leaderboard, then starting the game should show the seconds survived.

come over ( to my game ) and tell me If it is good

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