How do i make the leaderboard seconds

I what no pictures please

Do you want it to be seconds into the game, or how many seconds each player survived?

seconds each player survived

You’ll need a lifecycle that listens for game start.

Wire the lifecycle to a relay for all players.

Wire that repeater to a trigger to trigger it.

Make the trigger have a 1 second delay and set the active scope to player.

Have the trigger send on a channel and trigger when receive on the same channel.

Get a counter that increments when receiving the channel. Make sure it’s player scoped.

Get a property called “Seconds survived” make it a number property and player scoped.

Make the counter set the property.

Get another lifecycle that listens for when the player is knocked out.

Wire the lifecycle to the trigger and deactivate it.

In the map options, set the score type to the property.


I’ll be right back :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s where it is!

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ok what’s next :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Oops. Sorry, wrong thing. Do you have a counter that is set to player scope and it goes up every second by a trigger loop?

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no but can you tell me how to do it

Alright so grab the counter and 2 triggers.

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You see the channels in the trigger that say “when triggered transmit” and “trigger when receiving on”? Have one of the triggers activate when receiving on the game start channel. Get the lifecycle device and connect it to a relay and have that relay as global. When the trigger receives the game start it will trigger a channel called “-loop”. Get the second trigger and have it trigger when receiving “-loop” and when it’s triggered make it transmit “-loop” Only place a 1 second delay on the trigger that is looping. Have the counter increment on the channel “-loop”.

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can you show me by picture

Sure here:

Trigger Loop

First trigger:

Second trigger:

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okay what is next :+1: :+1:

You connect that loop to the counter. Then grab a property and set its value to number. Connect the property to the counter. Remember to name the property something. Ex: “Time Survived” If you didn’t know, the name of a property has no effect whatsoever on how the property works.

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what do you mean by connect loop to couter

You see the section in the counter where it says “increment counter when receiving on”?

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yes :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Put the channel “-loop” there basically the same one you used for your trigger loop.

ok what is next :+1: