How do i make team chat in GKC?

Does anyone know how to make chatting or specifically chatting for the specific team in GKC?

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I got you!!!
(me sending guide)

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and then for the notification settings at the end in channels just use:

send notification on _______ channel

:+1: Great! @wait.what.626Youtube

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Mark it as solution!

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thank you! (don’t forget to mark a solution) ((the checkbox))

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or you can use a keyboard. (I don’t suggest you use this method unless you are a device genius)

I could try to do it. If it does not work than i’ll just switch to the first method you gave to me @wait.what.626Youtube .

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the working keyboard is like beyond this world difficulty for me

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Will try, but if fail than :-1: :boom:

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That is also too hard for me

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well at least you also have an easy one.

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