How do I make lasers turn on and off on a timer?

I can’t figure it out

I don’t really need it but is it possible to speed up or slow down said timer?

Here’s a pretty simple version:

(with a repeater noo!)

Welcome to the forums!

And yes, you can have multiple repeaters wire repeater, trigger, or counter clocks able to be activated and reactivated. For more info, use the magnifying glass in the top-right hand corner of your screen to search other topics up.

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Thanks, I’ll try it!

It isn’t working. it turns off, then alternates quickly a few times, then it’s off forever.

Maybe try this other guide on it:
The polarain way to alternating lasers!
(I’m not advertising, i’m recommending a guide.)

Can I see what you have with a screenshot?

never mind I fixed it

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