How do I make a height meter in gimkit platformer maps?

I’m currently working on a platformer Parkour map in Gimkit, but I don’t have a way of tracking the score and I want it to be a height tracker like in Don’t Look Down. I just don’t know how to do this. Even with the new player coordinates device I cannot figure it out. I want to make it so that a game overlay text in the top-left corner of the screen is showing the players height in meters, but I don’t know how to get the height of a player , I don’t know how to make the game overlay update it’s text, and I don’t know how to make that part of the score for the leaderboard. Please help.

You can use the coordinate device system to keep track of a number property and set it as the score in your leaderboard via game settings.

Check on this guide for the system:


Hello, OP! Just remember to mark a solution if Froyo’s post helped you! No need to mark it if you still have questions or that solution.

Thanks, this is just a reminder.

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