How do I make a barrier follow you

Elaborate a bit more


You say that as you explain a graphing calculator. [1]

  1. jk, blackhole did that though lol ↩︎

Okay, there are only 4 triggers as up down right left. How can I make it so that if you step on the “up” one, the barriers will appear and disappear and will travel the “up” direction until you stop the trigger. (Sorry if it’s confusing. I tried my best)

no not exactly

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Well your trigger would activate the up barrier and deactivate your down barrier

How ??? what? sorry I still don’t understand. I’m slow

every trigger should deactivate the barrier that is under that trigger

Go into your game and do what i said and i can guide you through or if you give me your email I can joi_n you

Can’t today, sorry. Can you try to like send a video? like a shrunk down version? Sorry if i’m asking for a lot, i’m trying to understand things. (You don’t have to. it’s just if you can)

I can wait and sure I will try to figure out a way to visually show you

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Thank you so much!

one last thing would you rather have zones or triggers?

either one you would advise me to use

I mean spaced out triggers would work

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Btw what’s the limit for triggers placed


Me literally having to write something to make a so called complete sentence but in the end making it disappear

but back on topic i am gonna say we should use… triggers
So lemme go make the thing rq like you want

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For real though, so relatable

(sorry for being off topic again )

Infinite amount of triggers

(Thanks WhoAmI!)

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hey you available to joi_n my map with my email?

Screencastifys new update is wierd for me i cant get a video going nor stop a video and get it turned into gif correctly

are you able to record me for @Next-Gen-Gims3652 ?

sadly not

I’m too busy with school work stuff :P
