September 21, 2023, 3:42pm
i have been making a map but i need a boat thing that the player can control
bud i dont think that’s possible
September 21, 2023, 3:44pm
ive seen movement before i just want it to move
thats animating props you have no control of the animation ingame when you animate props
you can make a boat out of props, but making it movable is not possibble yet, just llike you you can’t drive cars, but you can see if you can teleport a player to a boat and then another boat that is farther away so it looks like it is moving, just look at this guide on how to do teleportation animation.
Before we can even start making this, when need to first:
Make your Zipline!
You can make you zipline look however you want. All you basically need is a pole, and a line!
[Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 9.22.13 AM]
This is how mines looks. I just used the metal pole prop, tinted some sand to look like dirt, and used a text device and copied “|” over and over to make a line. I recommend using a google doc for this.
You can also use something else for the line…
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tho you can make a prop boat that teleports with the player on a set path
This is the closest thing you can get to moving anamation, so if you can follow the guide, please mark it as the solution.
September 21, 2023, 3:48pm
scratch that i want a sentry to do it.
September 21, 2023, 3:52pm
i changed my mind on player doing it how do i do a sentry?
here is a guide on how to make a moving sentry
Did you know that sentries are subject to entering zones and teleportals?
Well today, I will be using that mechanic to create a sentry that will move from place to place while carrying damage over.
What you need:
Sentry x1
Zone x2
Wire Repeater x2
Teleportal x2
Place down your two teleportals. These willl be the locations that the sentry will teleport to.
Place down a zone on each of your teleportals.
Place down your two wire repeaters. Make the delay to 3 seconds. Wire the fi…
September 21, 2023, 7:22pm
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