How do i make a thing where it tracks who has a certain item the entire game?
Use a inventory item manager
do you want it to show like on a overlay on the screen? please be specific on what it is used for and how it will be used in game.
No, I mean, it shows EVERYONE who has the certain item.
Yes like an overlay.
ok give me a minute
maybe try this?
Yeah, Exactly like that.
like a overlay that shows like the game names of everyone with the item?
Um ok, then try it and see if it works for what you need.
It did not work, have you ever played Moderate Capes KEEP AWAY?
im trying to make something like that.
no, i haven’t. If its in discovery i don’t play any maps on there, the lack of great creativity and how hard it is to find a good map is discouraging.
If i could have you play it, I would, it is a fun game…
Put he has this thing where it shows who has his selected item (A ticket)
and it says (Players name Has the ticket)
But i dont know how to do that.
i would say using an inventory manager have it detect for so called item and when item is detected a waypoint is activated(via wire) and have it set to player. That is what makes logical sense.
try connecting a way point to a checker. then add a zone to trigger it. (I haven’t tried this method yet
Let me test a few options and see which works well.