How do i Build A Counter that tells me how many people are alive in a battle royale world like in snowy survival

Sorry Didnt know that

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Ok. Heres how I think.

Have a zone on the entire map. And make it so when someone enters, they give +1 to a property.

And every time someone leaves, which is gonna be by death, -1. Make it so you cant get out and then back into the zone.

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Then make a game overlay with some block code that displays the property, which aka is the player. Anyways, I’ma go get off in a few mins.

edit: tell me I f it owrks

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What kind of Zone???

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a normal zone.

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This guide will help you, @LAYR54321! Hope you succeed making a battle-royale game! :smiley:

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This might work better than mine though. :sweat_smile:

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I think your idea works just fine though. It is a lot less complicated than the guide I linked to. :smiley:

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I Tried That One It Didn’t Work


sorry. my bad for linking it. I didn’t know.

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My Map Is So Big I Need 5 Zones

Yeah Sorry About That

About That One Is It Possible That the Fifteen People That go in the world Will Change If There Are More Or Less People?

Unfortunately, I have no clue how to do that. Also, don’t do what I told you. I’m a dummy and it doesn’t work.

No. Sorry for wasting your time.

im ight have an idea

try and see if you can get a counter to work with an overlay and put a zone that counts the amount of player to update the counter witch will hopefully update the overlay

Will it Work With A Map That is Bigger Than 1 Zone

make the zone the size of the hole map

im going to mess around to see if i can build some steps for you