How do i Build A Counter that tells me how many people are alive in a battle royale world like in snowy survival

Unfortunately, I have no clue how to do that. Also, don’t do what I told you. I’m a dummy and it doesn’t work.

No. Sorry for wasting your time.

im ight have an idea

try and see if you can get a counter to work with an overlay and put a zone that counts the amount of player to update the counter witch will hopefully update the overlay

Will it Work With A Map That is Bigger Than 1 Zone

make the zone the size of the hole map

im going to mess around to see if i can build some steps for you

It Wont Go The Size of My Map.It Stops getting Bigger At Some Point.

ill work on it can u show me what u have now?

All Right Ill Try it

have you tried looking at any guides?

yes I’ve Been Asking For Help Since December

DANG thats a long time well ur in luck cuz i can contact some pros to help you if u want

Thanks For the help Man Ive Been Trying To Publish This Map For FOREVER

np lol ill reach out to them they should reply within a day or so if they are up to it (i hope)

@LAYR54321 - Reload the tab (gkc)- the game c0de is still valid.

Which Code in gimkit???

The one you posted but took down I can still j0in it for some reason.
Edit - you fixed it now

hello can someone help me

HELLO I need help!!!