How do i become regular?

It has to be manually granted by a staff member. The only person to ever get TL4 was WolfTechnology, and he was soon demoted due to increased requests for TL4 from others, or requests for wolf’s demotion.


I feel terrible for him. That must have been really annoying!


No- very much justified. Wolf, at the time was not a good pick for TL4. Although he would be a great pick now, at the time he just wasn’t the right choice. Jeffo messed up there, and because of that now he doesn’t want to pick another. If you want a more detailed explanation on why we need TL4, why Wolf wasn’t a good pick at the time, and why Jeffo got so much spam, you can read this essay I wrote a while ago:


I think there’s a pretty obvious solution: TL4.

I know that the last time we had a TL4, jeffo got a lot of messages about people wanting TL4, or not wanting wolf as TL4, but let me explain why TL4 is a good idea, and why it was a bad idea previously, in case jeffo is reading.

To start, why did Wolf’s elevation to TL4 cause messages to be sent to Jeff? It’s pretty simple. Wolf should not have been picked for TL4. Here is why:
Wolf was a newer user. When he got TL4 instead of an older user, it made it seem much easier to get TL4, and so people started asking. In comparison, moderators in the gimkit discord have been in the server for over a year, putting the position at a much less obtainable appearance, thus reducing requests of people asking for mod. The selection of an older member, like NavyCatZ, or mysz would have prevented this, since most people would associate their longer time spent here and massive fame with a difficult to obtain position.

To be clear, I’m not saying wolf was a bad TL4, I’m saying that because he was a newer user, the pedestal of TL4 was lowered and increased spam to the mods.

Now, why is it a good idea to bring back TL4? Well, it’s pretty simple: Jeffo doesn’t have time to spend on the forums, and the forums are needing more and more of his time. In fact, there is even a precedent for adding TL4: the gimkit discord. The discord server is entirely community moderated, and gimkit team rarely has to do any moderation actions there. This removal of forum time from jeffo and addition of moderation to the forums is a win-win!

A few suggestions about bringing back TL4:
If a TL4 is picked, make sure they’re a user who can spend plenty of time on the forums without it impacting their academic learning.
The TL4 should probably be an older forum user (maybe 5 months at least?)
It should probably be clarified that more TL4s will be added when it is deemed necessary by the team, so don’t bother asking.
An idea might be to run a community poll, since those would most accurately reflect some of the best candidates. A poll has been run before, and from the results it was pretty well agreed that the most voted people would make great TL4s.

To be clear, and to prove I don’t have bias, I don’t want TL4. I do care a lot about the forums though, and that’s why I wrote this.

So in conclusion, TL4s would be a great addition to the forums, and would fix the problems currently happening.

I apologize for the shift halfway through from writing to everyone to writing to jeffo, but I’m too lazy to retype it, and my fingers hurt. This was typed on a phone, in the cold, without chatGPT.

Well, that’s all I have to say about this, thanks for reading!

By the way wolf, if you see this, for scale, nowdays it would be like THE HACKER getting TL4.
So you can see what I mean when I say you weren’t the right pick at the time, that’s what it was like.


Me: reading an essay on a gimkit website but not reading one for school lol! :cat: :heart:


um, you’ve been inactive for a bit… so wait another 50 days



i have so much more to say but i have to do it in private because it’s better


Hi guys! This is what I’m at for my first day:

This is pretty good, right?


I’m not sure why it says i’ve been here 3 days.


I guess my stats are growing.

And I’ve only been in forums for two day. (lol)


Welcome to forums @Green_Fox98!!


Guys, please stop showing your stats and stuff. It’s turning into a chatroom


Yeah lets stop

i mean the people replying rn

@Cellofive youll be one of the few newer users that i remember, nice knowing you


yall are fueling the fire again~ guys yall were doing good this morning ignoring off-topic things but why this of all things? its dumb to get into a fight about it ignore it
(oh hush wavey like you werent going to reply to this too bud)

a meow for eiqcrmeliutgwhc :3

@eiqcrmeliutgwhc yeah its ironic ik lol how i made that rant yet here i am doing it like you stubborn guys -_- heh some things cant be helped ig and yes ik i read that but a lot of peeps choose to ignore that like california, caden, and a lot of other newbies and a stubborn deaf ol gimsolver that just copies off jeffos words but i choose to tolerate them for now but for now you have your ways i’ll have mine i dont follow anyones footsteps i make my own i dont follow jeffo nor any others for my way is just finding the fire inside a person and just igniting it for well…purposes of my own but enough talk about my self you have your reasons i have mine lets just leave at that shall we?


You’re right; :sweat_smile:

I wasn’t either. I replied to help before, then I left and it turned into a chat room


Note this isn’t even visible to us even though i’m regular.


The mods took off a lot of stuff from Discourse. When I became TL3, I was looking around for the private lounge.

now lets all stop replying


that is not true at all

Some of these users’ goals are to help others. You guys should be striving for that, not for TL3 and badges and whatnot.


Even though Wolf got promoted to leader once (they got bumped down to TL3), doesn’t mean Jeff is adding more leaders into this website. Jeff made Wolf be a TL4 as an experiment, and he got tons of unnecessary flags and PMs asking how to be a TL4 as a result.

So, even if someone’s trying to reach that, i’m sorry, but it’ll never happen.

Okay, stop for now. I don’t know why i even reached to this topic since i joined in randomly.


I got muted for off-topic (even though it was only like 3 times, and it wasn’t even that off-topic)
So, gonna have to wait like 2 or more months to even have a chance

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I agree, and wise words BH. And yeah i understand what you mean.


Can I ask something? Doesn’t this mean being on the forums for 12 hours straight for 50 days?
I hope not because it’s a crazy thing.

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