How can I make this?

I’m trying to make a loot box that u can only loot once I use a button, item granter and a wire
but the problem is u can loot it as much as u want how do I solve this?

Screenshot 2024-11-30 1.37.45 PM

The button deactivates on the same channel it uses when pressed.
Button pressed transmits on Channel X, button deactivates on Channel X.
Does that help?
Like this:

And now it only works one time! If multiple players are supposed to be able to loot it once, then change the scope to player, but otherwise if only one person can loot it then leave the scope at global.

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Does this help?

Edit: @Techn0blade I realized you wanted a basic system haha. Do you want it randomized?

Here’s a way you could do it.
When button pressed → hide prop
when prop made hidden → deactivate button

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it worked! thanks 20 word limittt

You can avoid the 20 character limit by hiding letters in < >. Like this


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