How can I make some kind of "explosives" for my map? cant reply for 2 hrs bc of the limit for new user

Im trying to make some kind of explosives that execute everyone in the server but not smth like end game tho. also it will have like some kind of count down before it execute everyone like it will take ur health away

To damage all players:
Use a relay set to all players, and wire/channel that to the damager device.
Run the relay whenever you want to damage everyone


@Thats_Gimpossible is right or you can use a respawner

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Welcome to the community @Techn0blade !
Please read the FAQ and the TOS!

Anyways, what Thats_Gimpossible and Fwa are great for what you are looking for, but if you happen to need some visuals or other things with the explosives, you could check this guide out.

would there be a way to make it trigger when you enter a certain area unless you have a certain item? And, if so, how would you do this?

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Here’s a guide on EXPL0SI0NS!

By the way, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here!

First get a zone and wire it to a damager. (For the damager, got to the settings and there you will enter the damage dealt.

This is how you should wire it.

Now get a teleporter and place it farther away, wire the zone to the teleporter.

This is how you should wire it.

For the bo.mb, get an infested 3D printer and place it in the middle of the zone.
If you want the bo.mb to disappear when it explodes do this:
Wire the teleporter to the prop and do this:

And if you want a notification to go out when someone gets hit by a bo.mb then do this:
Get a notification and go to blocks.

Pick receiving on channel and do this:
Make a name for it.
And do this:

And wire the zone to the notification and the wiring should look like this:

And put the channel name in the zone as well.

Lastly, wire the teleporter to the zone and do this:

Now the player can’t get hit by the bo.mb again!
Hope this helps! If you have any trouble ask me and I’ll see what I can do.


Very detailed! I like it!

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Yeah, that is VERY detailed! (you have earned, clap of respect, @BrownSugarAlien :clap: :potato: ) Maybe, when the player enters the zone, it activates an animation and makes some bushes appear like an expl0sion!
(Make it a guide!)


wow! I just did it and it was AMAZING.
It worked soooooooo well and the instructions were super clear! You should post this guide!


I don’t know how to make an animation. But if I did, I could make it into a guide!
I’m surprised it’s getting praised.

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At the moment you have already been given TL1, and now you can write without a limit.

hey! the limit for new users is made for a reason, I’ll take 1 example why, we have spam bots on the forms that spam some kind of scam thing, and this is only 1 reason why the TL0 limit was made, the limits allow pods to create only 3 topics and 10 Replies, which clearly improves and simplifies the work with them and their cleaning
what do I mean, I’ll enter saying spam bot?

and this is only 1 bot… and before there were a little bit more

What I wanted to say with all this is that TL0 restrictions, which translates to trust level, are made for bad people, and we’re not just talking about spam, if you know what I mean.

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