How can I make my game look a bit better?

My game is pretty much finished… But the layout looks awful.

How can I make the atmosphere and looks overall better?

Add props, way more props!
Add terrain variety and room variety.
Based on the actual game, come up with a theme for each room and really decorate based off of that.
Be consistent with text styling.
This guide is super helpful, maybe look through a couple ideas?

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Hmmm, I think the selling station should be below the farm…

Does it look like there’s any room below the farm?
Not trying to be rude…

Also, put the little instructions in the first room on actual display props, to make them feel more physical, like in official gamemodes.
I like the premise of the game, by the way.

No, but maybe shift things around. @GlowingTurtle is right about the props, it looks a bit undecorated.
Great job so far!

Quick question, by the way:
If your game is all about upgrading, growing, and selling, do you have any lore or minigames? I love it when you can unlock minigames as the game goes on!
Also, do you need/want a thumbnail?
Just read your bio, nvm sorry.

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It’s supposed to be like a merging game and feel like one of the official game modes: You stick to performing one thing.
Can you also specify what props I should place to make it fit?

Well, you can make one if you want.

Alright, that’s good.
Add some potted plants, to add to the farm feel. Add some dirt/smaller props on the ground, so it doesn’t look so uniform. Add a pile of cash on the selling station. Change the terrain between the rooms, maybe. Add some tables and microscopes for a “mythic research” vibe, maybe? Give the sentry a gim! Make the rooms a little smaller, since there’s a lot of empty space, if you don’t want to clutter it to much by adding more props. And… that’s all I’ve got, sorry!

I played that! The game is awesome. Add props and some lasers for extra decor.

Like someone to accompany them or change their skin?

@reg I put the link, waiting for ya.

Change their skin, sorry if that was unclear.
It could be anything, really, but it will make it feel more polished.

Alright, I think we made it better!
This is what it looked like before…
And this is what it looks like now…

Appreciate the help @GlowingTurtle and @reg!
(Now I just need a thumbnail…)

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Looks great! Can’t wait to play it!

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