Host control idea

So I had an Idea. And I cannot use it but I thought someone else could. So all you need is 3 tabs and a couple devices. so one of the players names are “View 1”, “View 2” and View 3 and there is a trigger with blocks that are "If triggering players name is “View 1” then broadcast “Camera view 1” else if triggering players name = “View 2” broadcast “Team Spectate” else if triggering player name = “View3” then broadcast “HOST CONTROLS”

Then you need to get the channel “Cameraview1” to camera view and “View 1” will see that area. Get the channel “Team spectate” you can spectate players and your first tab. View three will have buttons and game overlays they can push while seeing other areas from there other tabs.

This could be used to control areas effectively, a D&D game or others!

I hope someone can use this, I just wanted to share something I couldn’t use.


this is nice, except- you said you couldn’t do this, yet you explained it.
So, it means that you did do it?

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No like I cant because I am making several games already.

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Shouldn’t the ideas tag be on this? (Correct me if i am wrong! :>)

I can put it on, I don’t mess with tags much is all.

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Nice Idea! So sorry, I really don’t know how to do that. Great theory though!

This is a really great concept, I suggest putting it under concept and maybe Devices

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