Hidden Sentry Trap

I don’t really see what the point you’re trying to make here is. The guide isn’t harmful and even if it may seem repetitive that people make a lot of guides on traps, it’s not really doing anything other than creating more resources for creativity. Plus, not every guide that people make has to be used, or needs to be original, sometimes people just make guides because they enjoy sharing their own creativity! : D


Nice guide and welcome to the fourms, @thatOneCringe!

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nice guide!

dang, 6000/5500 memory for this trap

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Welcome to the commuinty @thatOneCringe!

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nice guide! welcome to the forums! sorry i was late :frowning:


okay thank you @CassiusDoomlorde

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You labeled mine with the trap tag. You did not ask for permission. Could you please undo this @getrithekd?

It applies to this post, so I added this. Regulars have this ability to organize topics.

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We’ve decided not to use troll and replace it with trap because it could be mistaken for forum trolls and promote ban speedrunning


I agree with that. Thanks for changing it!

Yes, it requires a LOT of sentries. Each sentry costs 500 memory. What a load!

This post was simply just to invoke new thoughts for people. No harm done in any way, timezone, or dimension.

Still, as getrithekd says, they’re too easy to make and I think we should lessen making them.

Someone could just make a guide that says “how to make a button trap that respawns you”
guide with absolutely no effort and make more guides similar to it.

“General rule of thumb: if you can say it in one sentence, then don’t make a guide on it.”
-getrithekd :us:


Hey Haiasi, sometimes the tiniest tweak in the post will invoke fresh and new ideas.

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Or do you want to have that same heated debate like yesterday . . .

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You made a guide in 1 sentence. See this:


It’s not a debate.
I’m just saying.

If you read this post you’ll see my point.

I’ll stop replying now.


Another way to do this is on player entered zone, transmit on ___ and in the sentrys, activate on ___
but nice guide!


Nice first post!

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Really nice guide. Easy to follow!

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