Hi its the more for creating first map

Ok it’s third day [ idk why my chromebook’s nomberkey isnt working ]
I did almost everythings that i would make and I did it roughly because i am laziest person in the world…? but I still proud my self and those are the picture that I will post and I will do the roofing thing for the cover and umm maybe thats it. I will not going to be wiry becauseee its my first map and I just want a compliment :slight_smile: lol. So If you are the maker of this map what would you add? Give me more idea with guides thx for read this and let me see you guys opinion.

Edit: I know I am not good at writing and speaking what ever because I came US just last year…


Ignore the code plz I already exit out


What mechanics are you struggling on?
Also, did you use @Argo77’s roofing guide?


this was the first one you want to help more? or just look at it

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I will going to make it now

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Are there other specific mechanics or decoration ideas you need help with?


Oh I did not read this sorry I am good because I dont want to add hard coding stuff as I talked about maybe I will if I get more interested of this things. And I also finish roofing.

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I will play this with my friends tomorrow I expect to good reactions from my friends :smiley:

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@Haiasi I need some help for the toxic gases :d

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Use zones that activate lasers and slow you down for a few seconds until you leave the zone.

Player Enters Zone > Activate Lasers

Player Enters Zone > Set Player To Configured Speed

Player Leaves Zone > Set Player To Configured Speed (1.00)

Add some yellow bushes for toxic gas.


Nice Map! Its better then anything I could make

It does look good. It looks like a really original map, too which is cool.


It looks really good. The one thing I would suggest is instead of rotating the walls, use the vertical walls.

awesome map if possible we could do a collab on a map together if you want