Hey I'm making a storage raid map, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas

good idea DEF going to add that but ima make the risk higher ill make it make you lose 2 lives if you get endgamed.

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make one pretend to give you a really good item, but it’s actually just a trap and a quantum portal sentry comes and attacks.

also good luck :smiley: on the map hope it makes trending!


OOH good idea love the idea!

Ty man i appreciate it!

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also check out this

another funni trap lol really more troll

that is so funny lol

Lol im probably going to do that for one of the things!

Hi I subscribed to you and am wondering if you can send me your map @ jaxon.gerrits@neenahlutheran.net and what kind of vids do you make?

Hey was just wonderin wanna help me make the map? i have a lot of repetetive stuff to do and would love help

u guys seem really nice

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i don’t have any yt channels…?

besides that one I made solely to post that one clip I got in doors, literally jack door 1 on April fools?

maybe I can send you a map @ but I’m really busy

@bannanaman @Monkey1 @Txme_Lxss @MarkTheShark101 any of you guys wanna help me with my map, i got a lot of repetative stuff to do and would love help!

Hey I’ll help you just email me at


RedPandaArtist i would love to but i am not really that great at making maps

honestly lol i just need help placing terrain lol

oh i know how. I have plenty of maps that i have tried to make somthing but it just turns into me just placing random stuff

I will still help and maybe you could send it to me when you are done PLEASE AND IF YOU DO THANK YOU

sure mate, i emaild u

I would love to help! but unfournetaly you know how school is :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

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