Help with what props should i add

So um not racist, but i made a game called cross the border and i want to know what props should i add to it?

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whats the game about?

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they joined in september

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Crossing a border, like a wall fence, etc

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um thank you and its about getting 3 items to cross the border it may sound raciest but its not.

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I get that its not, but you would need to have zone and inventory checker.

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i got all the code stuff done today and i now need props to put around the map i put a few but not much and im not that good at decor.

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i can help what do you need to create

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um just decor that fits the map

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so how about a deserted land does that work

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oh ok, that’s right up my ally. SO i would use stone walls(prop) wide and place them in a row, then have some sections that are collapsed that have just rock props that can be broken so players can cross. And have sand bags and crates along with lamp post near the wall for extra detail.

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i got the dead grass one at the begging

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thats good! ill try that what else for props inside the wall?

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(i would like but im out of likes :heart: ) its a great idea let me go try and create it for show

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for the inside i would make it a lush place, nothing like the outside, so with trees(green) grass(light green) ponds(terrain) with plants, flowers, and bushes all around. And maybe build a cabin on that side too.

Same, but thanks.

well thanks for this im going to do these and thank you good bye

your welcome, make sure to mark a solution!

okay i made it heres what i got

was this the idea you were going for (btw its not going to cost 4% i got other builds in this map)

i didn’t really put a lot of effort into building the wall so this is just a mockup for the idea of a wall