Help With Quite Possibility The Weirdest Game šŸ™

yeah thatā€™s allowed a hundred percent, is it not?

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Hmm weirdest game ideasā€¦The Ultimate Guide to Traps, Tricks, Pranks, and Trolls [LENGTH WARNING šŸ˜ˆ ]
Look here

new user cannot edit a wiki. they are restricted from doing that until they get basic or higher.

and I pretty sure regular can change the trust levels needed to edit.

tl0 hasnā€™t been able to not once.

Perfect. I shall spend 30 minutes studying this strange guide.


just making sureā€¦as thats a basic easy idea and yet im confused that nobady has done it yetā€¦or i have not seen one yetā€¦so i didnt know if someone did and it was flagged or somethng.

what have you done @Dodge_Fox


:fire: rate the weirdo base
Screenshot 2024-05-08 8.21.52 AM


9/10, add more weird

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just added more moai emoji

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Idea for thingies: epic man
2x damage, 2x speed, but superlow health

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b e a u t i f u l
this is great


maybe add the fanum tax that gives you op weapons for like 25 seconds?


DId not know at allā€¦
Too many posts not enough time read them all

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Iā€™m very sorry sir :man_shrugging:

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Man Face Man
freezes you by making you stare into the man face void

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Itā€™s alright, you did not know

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Alright guys, im not mad, just saying, please give a realistic power.
@UnityHavoc can you tell us how to make that?
we have no way to detect if i am looking at u

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Iā€™m about to release the game mode soon. and when I do, I will close this topic.

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whatever youā€™re working on I believe In you

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