Help with mude er mystery game

what props do i put in to fill the space

put tables and ketchup

well what the theme?

ketchup is banned

a mansion just a mansion with a pool finished basement garden and like 5 difrent rooms one with a working tv and other pretty blank

I would use some wooden chairs around that table, maybe some plates on it, around that maybe some more wooden tables (square) to make it kinda cozy, then add an oven kinda like a fireplace, maybe some cinema chairs and a television like a viewing room, Iā€™m getting trailed off you get the point.

i got a tv room already have a cozy little fireplace and the table is for discussions

quetsion why is it in ideas now i know its offtopic what i asking just confused

because your asking for ideas?

Ahh ok. Hmm, maybe like a water fountain and some computers and maybe in one of the room a super secret vault. Filing cabinets can look good too.

fountain yes computer no cus its an oldish modern house like its luxury but no videogames tv exception cabinetnts yes

ideas for these rooms and gardens

add some book shelves and a reading area


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