The team drops the item when they get knocked out.
Place down a lifecycle.
Wire the Lifecycle → Trigger.
Create block code for the trigger:
If triggering player’s team number = “[insertteamnumberhere]” then
broadcast message on channel “dropitem”
Item granter that grants item when receiving channel “dropitem”
that’s for granting into inventory.
Well i want it to drop the item in knockout, not in granting it into inventory.
Oh okay.
For the knockout manager, set Active on game start to “no.”
Place down a lifecycle (no setting) change and wire it to a relay.
The relay should relay to all players on team 1.
Now, wire the relay to the knockout manager.
Make the active scope “player or team”.
Now, set it so that they drop a legendary snowball launcher.
@mysz is right, but if you are still struggling, do this with a trigger or wire repeater to only let people that are on team 1 drop.
Mysz did. However, he tested out my game (in gimcourse) for that but it didn’t work somehow.
Did you try to debug or rebuild it?
we’ll there is a way i figured out how to do it, but your players would have to have only one item slot.
You should just be able to use lifecycle+relay for team 1+K.O manager with scope for team…
It worked for me.
Is this resolved yet?
No, the knockout appears to everyone, not 1.
i think i found a way to do this
but it won’t drop the item on the knocked player
go into the knockout managers block code and do this
Then place down a trigger that is triggers when receiving on “Trigger.” Then wire that trigger to an item granter, so that triggered, - grant item.
Just set team 2 to spawn with a item that team 1 does not spawn with, and when a player on team 2 dies they drop that item.
that wouldn’t work because of the ko manager, when any player is knocked out, they will drop an item if they have it. (i’m assuming in his game, all players will have items.)