Help with Gimonopoly [Resolved]

i made it so there is a game overlay button and when you press the button it rolls 2 imaginary dice and moves you. that works, but when you need to pass go you just stay at your square. here’s the code (on notification triggered by game overlay button):

help please

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What is the last if then block for?


you mean the if it is more than 40? if you mean that then it is because when it broadcasts on the channel it sends you to a teleporter, but i have a teleporter 1, which is go, but then if you go over boardwalk (40), you need to go to a lower teleporter, like if you roll a 5 and 4, but you are at the 36th square, you need to get to square 5,

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ohh and it should of been rolled + alsorolled + squareat

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ok i figured it out it works now, you made my notice that small messed up detail, thanks so much @NavyCatZ

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@Here_to_help could i see a pic of Gimonopoly?

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Hey @Here_to_help, if/when you make a post about Gimonopoly, could you name it like “Monopoly; Helpian style” to distinguish it from my “Monopoly; Clacian style”?


just saw this, and of course i will! dont want anyone to credit the wrong person, im sure clacian style will do better than my helpian style

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I don’t know about that. Your dice rolling mechanics allow for less game breaking. I just give you bait and hope you run forward.


ok, i added to my map under gimonopoly, it says “helpian edition” and when i post i will do the same.

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