I was wanting some ideas for this map I’m making, I worked hard on it.
Also, this is kinda how the original game looked originally. Just saying.
I was wanting some ideas for this map I’m making, I worked hard on it.
Also, this is kinda how the original game looked originally. Just saying.
Can you give some more details? That might make it a little easier to help you out.
um can you pls add some details (dont put the name of the game you can get flagged)
I was wanting some room ideas, or just something to add.
Make an area where your gadget randomly generated ammo…
I can make a guide on it if you want…
So you get an amount 1-10 every few seconds, so they can’t just spam and it’ll make it more mysterious and fun in some cases. ↩︎
That’s nice, but I have it set to infinite ammo.
No, that is a bunch of ruins from the original map.
Oh, okay…
That works too, even though it can easily be changed.
It’s alright, I can tell your trying.
I really tried my best on this, it is my best map I ever attempted to make.
I’ll type a list RQ before my last period…
I’ll edit it one at a time:
Progress: 20%
The ruins made me think of sharks, and sharks made me think of an AWESOME idea…
You could make when they get knocked out, they go through a cutscene with an animations of a bunch of shark circling them, and then they respawn (or whatever happens when they get KO’ed in your game).
Smart idea, I never even thought of doing that.
I’m not too good at making cutscenes, but smart idea, I may use that for another map, I know you’re trying to help, and you are helping a lot!
Is it your first game? if you need a thumbnail for it just ping me.
No, it is my third map, I already have all 3 posted. And I don’t need a thumbnail, but thanks.
great! do you still want ideas?
The code and yes, I would like some ideas.
just blur out the code
I can’t do that. I would if I could.