Help with Among Us Hide n Seek

WE need help with anything except terrain. Please contact me for code if you want to help.


Hello @Quijan it looks like your knew so i’ll give a few things wrong here
1: No code sharing
2. need to be a bit more specific about what you need help with

Thanks :slight_smile:
P.s. happy early birthday @NotYoyo


No codes here please. Also, welcome to the forums! Read the community guidelines.


Welcome! Check out the Among Us tag, hopefully you can find out guides you need.

We can’t find anything on this tag.

Welcome to the forums @Quijan ! Please read the Gimkit community guidelines.

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You could follow the rules of ordinary among us guides but just remove emergency meetings and add a timer, thats basically what among us hide and seek is :slight_smile:

Gimkit_Loverr presents…

a Gimkit_Loverr welcome…

WELCOME TO FORUMS!!! :star_struck:

Please read the guidelines, you’ll get a badge!
Like others have said, don’t code share, that is what the wixsite is for!

Remember, once you find a good solution, don’t hesitate to mark!

Now, what exactly do you need help with?

We need help with coding. How do I share said code? I know there are blocks.

heres a guide for tasks if you need those:

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You are not allowed to share codes on forums however if you are located on another site, like the wix, padlet, canva, docs, ect. you can share codes on there. What specifically do you need help coding?

How to make the game end whenever everyone life ends except a certain team?

I guess for the final sec in the Among Us Hide N Seek you could have waypoints that turn on and off at intervals that track the players?

I mean, you could make a counter that increments everytime someone gets ‘caught’. Then make it update a property and add a checker that constantly checks if that number is less than 1, (because the game ends when all the crew get ‘caught’) have it broadcast on an endgame channel if it IS less than 1.

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Like, when you get knocked out? Thats simple! Wire a Knockout device to a tag device, and set it to “When tagged” “Respawn”. Then, wire the same Knockout device with a Team Switcher, and say, “When knocked out” “switch teams”.

Next, add a checkpoint and wire to a counter. Put the checkpoint on the top of the spawn pad. Now, say in the wire, “When checkpoint reached” and “Inncroment counter”. Make the target value 5 or 4, and now, get out the End Game Device. Wire the counter to the end of game device, and say, “When Target Value reached” “End game”

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Can you tell me how to have coding for cameras?

What for?
is it too limit crew vision?


We need WORKING cameras.

Oh, like the fr camera? um, I think there’s a guide on that, gimme a sec.


I cant spelll …