I saw this post and want to look at it but can’t because of the third word (blocked on school computer.
Can someone look at it and restate it or take screenshots of it and not use that word?
I saw this post and want to look at it but can’t because of the third word (blocked on school computer.
I can edit the title for you
What do you mean?
I’m taking a screenshot, hang on.
Try entering the topic again now, the topic title was edited to remove the “bypass” term and using a unicode lookalike
Full guide, here:
The words a creative player hates
This was supposed to be in OWO and Snowy Survival, not our own maps!
But thanks to the devices and wires of Gimkit Creative you can now bypass it!
This guide is simple but if you don’t understand how it works then you will find it complicated
How this works (please read, if you don’t the rest will be confusing)
Lifecycle, Relay, 1rst Checker, 2 wire repeaters: constantly checks if player has shield can from game start
Game overlay: this is the button that starts the rest of the contraption.
Movement meter, (blue key) item granter: This stops the granting process if the player moves, for (blue key) just use an item that you don’t have in your game.
18 wire repeaters, 3 checkers, 3 counters: These check during the 3-second grant process EVERY 0.2 seconds if the player moved (lost the blue key), If the player moved it would reset the counters ( not allowing the target value to be hit, hence not granting the health.
Health granter, item granter (blue key 02), item granter (shield can): the item granters are negative. they take away the shield can (you used it) and the blue key, (it has no use in your game… The health granters grant 25 shield (the shield can amount)
OPTIONAL: 3 notifications, these tell the player how much time before shield is granted.
If you are very good at gimkit creative, the previous part was probably good enough for you.
Look at the image in “how this works” The build is from left to right, up to down.
Lifecycle: Game start
Relay: All players
Checker: 1 check, item amount, shield can, greater than, 0
Wire repeater: 0.1
Wire repeater: 0.1
**Game overlay: **
Button, Bottom Right, Use (overlay text: you can also do “use shield can”) not visible on game start,
Scope: player
item granter: blue key (an item that is not in your game, it was blue key for me), 1
movement meter: blue key (or your item), do not use this device as default, and when player runs out of this resource: set the player speed to (whatever the normal player speed for your game is)
Lifecycle, Relay: Event occurs – Trigger Relay
Relay, Checker: Relay Triggered – Run Check
Checker, wire repeater: Check passes – repeat wire pulse
Checker wire repeater: Check Fails – repeat wire pulse
Wire repeater, Checker: receive pulse – run check
Wire repeater, Checker: receive pulse – run check
Wire repeater (pass), Game overlay: receive pulse – Show overlay
Wire repeater (fails), Game overlay: receive pulse – Hide overlay
Game overlay, movement meter: button pressed activate movement meter
Game overlay, item granter: button pressed – grant item
Checker, Counter, wire repeater:
Checker: 1 check, item amount, blue key, equal to, 1
Counter: not visible, player scope, target value 5, starting value 0
wire repeater: 0.0
Connect them like this
Check passes – increment counter
Check fails – wire repeater – reset counter
Target Value hit – Wire repeater – Reset counter
5 wire repeaters: 0.2 seconds and connect them like this
Connect the 5 wire repeaters to the checker
Receives pulse – Run check
(little complicated so here is an image)
Now do what you just did 2 extra times so that you end up with this
Item granter (-1 blue key)
item granter (-1 shield can)
Health granter (25, shield)
3 notifications
message: 3 seconds, time: 1 second
message: 2 seconds, time: 1 second
message: 1 second, time: 1 second
connect the BOTTOM wire repeater to the notifications like this
NOW!! this part is a little confusing! so maybe label the contraptions like this
connect machine 1’s counter to machine 2’s bottom wire repeater (the one that is connected to the notifications), then connect machine 2’s counter to machine 3’s bottom wire repeater. and connect machine 3’s counter to the 2 item granters and the health granter.
Connect the game overlay to machine 1’s bottom wire repeater:
Button Pressed – Send Pulse
Connect the checkers from machines 1, 2, and 3 to the Movement meter:
Check Fails – Deactivate movement Meter.
Add one last Wire repeater: 3.2 seconds.
Game Overlay, Wire Repeater: Button Pressed – send pulse
Wire Repeater, all 3 counters: Received pulse, reset counter.
Have fun building and stay Kool like Kooly!
– Chrysostom
Thanks It’s complicated though
thought you were BH for a second, lol.
I wish he were still here…
I just found that out, sad
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