Help with a knockout thingy

so in my game you have to get each player from the other team to get knocked out 3 times and when everybody in that team dies the team that has the weapons win.

Have a knockout manager, let me get you a guide to help!

Here you go! Try this!

but it says it’s tugged

What do you mean “tugged”

go check what it says next to “community made guides”

There is nothing there on my screen, maybe try refreshing your page.

ok i will try the guide

Okay great! If you need more help later, just reach back out!

hey it worked but i need it so when every body in that team dies
the other team wins and the game ends

you can use this guide to make the desired system.

yeah but they need to be knocked out not tagged

Use a KO manager wired to a counter set to 3 with a target value to 0, then make a team player counter that decreases every time the other counter reaches it’s target value. Make the target value for the team counter 0 and wire it to an end game.