Help Still Needed (Read Post 14)

could you show me the Rubik’s cube property?

Rubiks cube: 111111111222222222333333333444444444555555555666666666
text string. Each number represents a color :red_square: :blue_square: :white_large_square: :green_square: :yellow_square: :orange_square: in this order.

can I see the other properties too? sorry…

All large square emojis (except white and black) are counted as two characters in Unicode. This might be the reason for your issues. It is certainly a pain to deal with whenever anyone tries to do literally anything text-display related lol.

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The cube position is changing a lot. Currently it’s set to 0 at the start as a number. The cube display text is set in the code. The cube display letter # is set in the counter.

@Blackhole927 thanks for the info, I might be able to change the code now that I know that, it will just take a bit more memory.

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Hey how did you get the little … thing? (tried to send a private message but it made a whole topic for some reason :skull:)

personal messages sadly dont work anymore…
to do the 3 dots do this:
^ [stuff] ← make sure to not put a space between ^ and [

also if you want to know markdown and html tags that work for posts just go into the raw of the topic. for example the raw of this topics is:

For getting the raw all you need to do is exchange raw for them /t/ and the topic name. If you want to see a specific post in the raw, add the post number after the topic id like this:

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  1. Yay I think i did it ↩︎