Help On Spectating

I have also tried this, even whenever I make a new game it still happens.

Instead of life cycle try a knockout manager, if that doesn’t work: Did you turn on the options when you placed down your wire??

Hmm i dont remember how i solved it

Can you show me the settings for your devices and wires???

I think it’s not working because you have both channels and wires. So, try removing the wires, or the channels.

You only need one. (Channel or wires)

Also, do you have multiple sets of the Knock Out manager and team switcher?

This might help. (Also @Crimson_Knight they want to stay spectating even after the game ends.)

Knockout manager is only so they drop an item

Is that even possible???

I want to get out of spectating after the game.

Well then it should already work.

Only having wires still does not work

Remember to mark a solution if you have one!

they did everything correct, this is a common bug

Okay, do you think it might be fixed soon?

it has been like this for quite a while
also if you have a test account in another tab the bug will occur more


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