Help on my kits

I want to know if someone knew how to help me if possible. I’ve been trying to play one of my kits, and for some reason when I click continue and try to start the game, it glitches and closes the tab.

Can you tell me more about it?

change to bugs please.
Welcome to the forums!

yea im not a gimkit glitch expert…

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we need more info

nothing yet, since he just joined, but yeah @Slim move this to the bugs category

It’s like when I click play live, then the game I want and customize how much like bait Each person gets then continue it like closes the tab and glitches out

is this gimkit discovery?

No Its not. It’s one of my kits

Can you provide screenshots, if possible?
One piece is awesome! :)

Sure just give me a second

I’ll try to help

  • reboot internet
  • reboot computer
  • try using other kits
  • delete possible cookies

If all this does not help, write to they sometimes answer

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I have a video but cannot post it sorry :frowning:

Can’t you take a screenshot?

No, because the glitch goes to fast and the tab does the same

ok, try what I suggested

take a screenshot of the video or make the video a gif by using a mp4 to gif converter

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ok I will thanks for helping

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ok I will do that. I’ll be a minute :slight_smile:


This is what happens when I try to start the gimkit.

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show your kit well