Oh I forgot To Mention, I Flipped My Screen.
(With The Shift + Ctrl + Reset Button), You Should Try Its Cool.

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It still happens when my screen isn’t flipped.

the save data might be corrupted, because it looked like the screen outside the editor was glitching too

This sort-of happens to me all the time. If you place a device and keep moving your cursor around, sometimes the device will keep being placed. It happen somewhat randomly and all I do is click the x button instead of clicking off, because that will just place new ones. I don’t know of a solution though, sorry!
But I’ve never seen this happen when you just… load in. Try emailing the Gimkit team at

did you see the video they put in the Canva, that was not manual

I know, I’m just saying that a version of this glitch happens to me.

Really I always thought it was ctrl shift refresh… eh

Also that’s weird I have no Idea what could cause that, whats your memory usage, try placing different props, email Gimkit. This is weird.

typical duplicated items.

This is either caused by the lag spike that occurs when you enter a game.
It has been experienced but hasn’t been fixed… yet.

I suggest emailing, as usual

What you can do is try placing other props down, and see if they stop duplicating.
Or just delete the entire map by itself… if it’s not very important.

use my guide

but if you want it easier, just use Canva or

Just email Gimkit. Try shutting down the computer or do it on another device and see if it still duplicates.

This is very wierd. But yeah, people are right, emailing Team Gimkit it you best bet.

The Forums Say The Gif Is To Big.

I dedicated a whole guide to what to do if there is not enough space… just read the guide, it’s not big

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