When Ever I Go To Build, This Prop Start To Spread And Auto Duplicate
And Clones And Covers My Screen, I Got Of And Got Back On But That Didn’t Work. What Do I Do?
Ummmm so you’re saying that you have a prop that automatically duplicates itself? Are you sure it’s not just props you’ve already placed that are loading?
Is it possible to delete them?
Edit the settings?
NO, It Spreads Like This
Can you tell me what the prop looks like? Or is it literally an error message?
I Cant Get A Gif Because It Is Too Big
I don’t have anything to tell you. I don’t know what this is.
Copy and paste In Google Search @Thats_Gimpossible
That’s a local file… only viewable on your computer
Anyways if you have more descriptions, let me know.
at least try to get a screenshot if you can
Hold Up… One Second…
Uhhh that’s… something
Try deleting the props?
I believe it’s either one or two things:
It’s loading in all the devices, there happens to be a lot of tag zones.
This is a legitimate bug haha
I Can’t, It’s Too Glitchy.
what prop was duplicating (it’s tinted so I can’t tell)
Blue Flag.
I’ll see if I can replicate it
EDIT: nope, I tried copying it, tinting it purple then doing so, turning off collision, turning off shadows, I can’t replicate it
The only way I’d know how to do that is duplicate tons of flags.
something was tweaking on the loading screen too. what device are you using