Help for battle game. (Thumbnail also needed)

Okay, i’ll find another person.

im soo sorry like i mean it i really wanted to help and plus ive only made like 6 thumbnails so far but again im soo sorry


You’re spared by the plant.

What does the plant do? (Don’t say “Spares you”) Does it get sad, does it get angry, does it leave?

Joyful to the point of crying. It likes your idea and starts to cry.

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I think I could help!

Maybe you can get cash by doing quest or getting rewards or achievements.

What quests should there be?

I can help with the lore. Anything specific for it?

Make it sad, but not violent.

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Also, what type of lore, specifically for the game? I just need some more details on the game, if you don’t mind.

You are fighting a plant boss, but theres a twist.

I don’t know what UnderTale is. What’s the objective?
*I did read the guide

To beat the boss.

I’ll try to make the lore. What is the boss’s name?


Ok, I finally finished. Tell me what I should fix. It’s a combo of the plant’s backstory and the entire lore of the game, as well as a possible ending.

Here it is!

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the forest, there lived a powerful and malevolent plant known as the Forest Guardian. The Forest Guardian had been ruling over the forest for centuries, using its powers to control the plants and animals to do its bidding. The villagers lived in fear of the Forest Guardian, as it would often demand sacrifices of their livestock and even their own kin.

One day, a brave young person from a neighboring village arrived at the small village. The person was known for their vast knowledge of the forest and its secrets, as well as their recent feats. They explained to the villagers that the Forest Guardian was once a benevolent creature that protected the forest and all its inhabitants. However, a group of humans had come into the forest and had begun to exploit its resources, causing great harm to the environment and the creatures that lived there.

The Forest Guardian, outraged by the humans’ actions, had turned malevolent and vowed to destroy all humans that dared to enter the forest. The person revealed that the only way to defeat the Forest Guardian was to learn its story and understand why it had turned evil.

Thus, the person set out on a quest to uncover the story of the Forest Guardian. They journeyed deep into the forest, battling through its dangerous creatures and overcoming difficult challenges. Eventually, they discovered a hidden cave where the Forest Guardian was said to dwell.

Inside the cave, they found a withered old plant that had once been the Forest Guardian. The plant was weak and frail, barely clinging to life. The villagers realized that the Forest Guardian had been trying to protect the forest from the humans’ destructive ways, but had grown too weak to do so.

The person nursed the old plant back to health and made a pact with it to protect the forest and all its inhabitants. The Forest Guardian agreed to work with the person and help them fight against the humans’ destructive ways. Together, they defeated the humans and restored the forest to its former beauty.

Now, the Forest Guardian is known as a beloved protector of the forest, and the people live in harmony with the plants and animals that call the forest home.

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Why are you fighting the forest guardain then?

True, forget about that. I’ll edit. Anything else?

No, it’s good lore. (I’m going to keep this open as this is also a thumbnail request.)

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Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the forest, there lived a powerful and malevolent plant known as the Forest Guardian. The Forest Guardian had been ruling over the forest for centuries, using its powers to control the plants and animals to do its bidding. The villagers lived in fear of the Forest Guardian, as it would often demand sacrifices of their livestock and even their own kin.

One day, a brave young person from a neighboring village arrived at the small village. The person was known for their vast knowledge of the forest and its secrets, as well as their recent feats. They explained to the villagers that the Forest Guardian was once a benevolent creature that protected the forest and all its inhabitants. However, a group of humans had come into the forest and had begun to exploit its resources, causing great harm to the environment and the creatures that lived there.

The Forest Guardian, outraged by the humans’ actions, had turned malevolent and vowed to destroy all humans that dared to enter the forest. The person revealed that the only way to defeat the Forest Guardian was to learn its story and understand why it had turned evil.

Thus, the person set out on a quest to uncover the story of the Forest Guardian. They journeyed deep into the forest, battling through its dangerous creatures and overcoming difficult challenges. If you find the lore of the monster, you will win and avoid fighting. If not, you will fight, with a 50/50 chance of winning. (Edited part)

Eventually, they discovered a hidden cave where the Forest Guardian was said to dwell.

Inside the cave, they found a withered old plant that had once been the Forest Guardian. The plant was weak and frail, barely clinging to life. The villagers realized that the Forest Guardian had been trying to protect the forest from the humans’ destructive ways, but had grown too weak to do so.

The person nursed the old plant back to health and made a pact with it to protect the forest and all its inhabitants. The Forest Guardian agreed to work with the person and help them fight against the humans’ destructive ways. Together, they defeated the humans and restored the forest to its former beauty.

Now, the Forest Guardian is known as a beloved protector of the forest, and the people live in harmony with the plants and animals that call the forest home.