Help for a friend

Someone I’ve been helping needs help. So, They want an Alliance system between players and/or teams. As far as I know, they don’t own an account right now. I was thinking team switchers, but nothing is clicking for me.

alr very advanced for beginners

neds block code ithink

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i cant help rn im working on my map sorry

but I’ve made this before

Yeah I haven’t tested this but yes blocks

You would find the first person’s team number then change the second person’s team number to the first persons? I don’t really know…


you would need to first store them in a player-scope property

should be easy ive done much much much much much mroe complicated stuff (like making an ai)

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Thanks! I’ll keep it open, in case there’s more help, but I think the blocks and the assigning are helping!


there is a team switcher device

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it is very useful in a lot of maps

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we know

its just hard to figure out whos team we are switching to

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That’s what I meant. Also, I’ve been developing Gimkit more than I’ve been part of the forum.


Maybe adding 2 teams together, which adds them to the first team, and the second is free to add alliances to.

same ive been with gkc since day one

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Same! But I joined the forums on may 26th of last year so eh- start?


I’ll make a screenshot that might help


bruh read the original post

he says after the game has started

2 people team up

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ok then

jobozo was typing but I guess he dont wanna say anything

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I was gonna say that it might be helpful to set the teams to free for all and then have people team up using the team switchers

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u can also use a zone