Health Granted to a Specific Team [Possibly Bugged]

Yep, it’s supposed to be that way so the players who aren’t boss are one-shot.

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Hmmm, Is the health granter towards one player or all players? or is it just not working at all?
(my brain isn’t working correctly)

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It’s set so that it affects the “boss” via a relay. However it does not grant health to anyone.

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You could make it so that on start (using a lifecycle) it would run a block code that would check if triggering players team = the bosses team number. After that, it would broadcast on channel respawn which would respawn the player on that team and give them full health.

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@SkylarCat1202 How do I create a block code? (Despite my time on this forum and GKC, I almost NEVER use blocks lol)

Also, when the players (not the “boss”) re-spawn, will they have 1% health or full health?

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this helped me out a ton discovering how to use block code

you can go back chapters if your confused


The other people would respawn on full health.

Is there a way to artificially set the player’s health to 5 when they re-spawn with lasers or something?

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maybe in settings?

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You could have the lifecycle run wire pulse block on a notification, then in the notification settings, make a block of code.

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I am not sure. I’ll search.

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Riptide, I was wrong, player don’t heal max health when they respawn.

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@SkylarCat1202 Perfect!

Question: on your blocks where if player is on team 2 then broadcast on respawn, what device would respawn channel trigger to respawn them? I have this:
Screenshot 2023-11-29 12.09.21 PM


When a player respawns, they don’t heal.



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I’m going to try so that like 5 seconds after the game starts it triggers the health granter.

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It didn’t work.

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hmmm this is a good question at first i thought u were talking about team regen but this oh wow this is gonna be tough but maybe try this mechanic which i call ¨armor up¨ use whatever sets the player to be a boss connect to a relay that relays to everyone else except triggering player and connect it to a dmg modifier that sets the others at minimal damage except for the boss


Nice idea!


thanks @SkylarCat1202 but as i am out of likes from my like spree i cannot like ur post :frowning: