Health Granted to a Specific Team [Possibly Bugged]

I have a map set to where everyone except for one person is on the same team. I’m trying to make it so that that one person (called the “boss”) has more health than everyone else. I have my health settings set like this:

Then, I have a life cycle set to on game start wired to a relay that selects a random player. Then, that relay changes the team of the player and grants them a weapon, a damage boost and is wired to a health granter to give them 200 health. It looks like this:

However, when I start the game, the player set to “boss” still has 5 health.

What am I doing wrong?



Hmmm, This one seems difficult… I dont see anything wrong myself
Is the starting health meant to be on 1%?

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Yep, it’s supposed to be that way so the players who aren’t boss are one-shot.

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Hmmm, Is the health granter towards one player or all players? or is it just not working at all?
(my brain isn’t working correctly)

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It’s set so that it affects the “boss” via a relay. However it does not grant health to anyone.

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You could make it so that on start (using a lifecycle) it would run a block code that would check if triggering players team = the bosses team number. After that, it would broadcast on channel respawn which would respawn the player on that team and give them full health.

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@SkylarCat1202 How do I create a block code? (Despite my time on this forum and GKC, I almost NEVER use blocks lol)

Also, when the players (not the “boss”) re-spawn, will they have 1% health or full health?

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this helped me out a ton discovering how to use block code

you can go back chapters if your confused


The other people would respawn on full health.

Is there a way to artificially set the player’s health to 5 when they re-spawn with lasers or something?

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maybe in settings?

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You could have the lifecycle run wire pulse block on a notification, then in the notification settings, make a block of code.

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I am not sure. I’ll search.

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Riptide, I was wrong, player don’t heal max health when they respawn.

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@SkylarCat1202 Perfect!

Question: on your blocks where if player is on team 2 then broadcast on respawn, what device would respawn channel trigger to respawn them? I have this:
Screenshot 2023-11-29 12.09.21 PM


When a player respawns, they don’t heal.



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I’m going to try so that like 5 seconds after the game starts it triggers the health granter.

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It didn’t work.

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hmmm this is a good question at first i thought u were talking about team regen but this oh wow this is gonna be tough but maybe try this mechanic which i call ¨armor up¨ use whatever sets the player to be a boss connect to a relay that relays to everyone else except triggering player and connect it to a dmg modifier that sets the others at minimal damage except for the boss