Healing Limit help

Im making a fighting game. I need different classes to have different max health. is there any way to limit how high they can heal, so it wont go above their classes health?

EX: highest class has 250 health, so id have to make the max health 250. but say a class hass only 150 health and i want them to be able to heal. Can i limit how high they can heal?

can i get in your game?
i will help if so

You would have to have the max health set to 250 for all players, then use health granters to heal so it doesn’t exceed the limit for the class. Using medkits will definitely go above.

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yeah, if i cant figure it out.

Please note that sharing codes in this forum is not allowed. If you’d like to host a game, I suggest planning this on the Wix or Discord instead.

If you are using items to heal, shield cans can be an alternative to medkits. iirc they heal 25 shield every can. Just make sure you have a system that keeps track of the players health.

or use multiple health granters that works I have done it before

oh, i didnt know that. sorry.

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