Haunted house escape room ideas

A maze!

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there is puzzles like ciphers that you could put in the maze or something


@gimmaster12345 How bout, popup with a riddle, get it right you get a clue, riddle aka popup will pop up (get it?) Then if correct it will show clue

@gimmaster12345 there have acually been lots of “help” quesions about these have you looked at those?

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have you seen this quide

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I thought of an idea:

You have a combaination of buttons you have to press (Credit to Badkarma), then, you have a cipher that helps you figure out the button combo (credit to Scoopala7), then, once you get the right combo, you unlock a closet that leads to a cafiteria (Credit Badkarma) with a locked door you have to unlock (credit to Badkarma)

I’m crediting each person for the part they thought of

Any ideas to improve this ^^^^^^^^^


That is just decor

it still helps with the spooky theme…kinda

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Nah, noting to add, its perfect! @gimmaster12345 great idea


Here’s some ideas you could use too!

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Small problem: I can’t make a cipher, what kinds of riddles can show a pattern of buttons?

For ciphers you can just use a website like this

I can’t make it without teleporting a player into another area with the cipher

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elaborate a little bit more pls

What do you need me to elaberate on?

like cant you use a popup? I gtg sorry @gimmaster12345 its an emergency

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why can’t you use a popup?

A cipher is an image with sybols on it, I can’t make custom images. I can’t do pixel art (Too time consuming), so I can’t use a popup, I NEED A RIDDLE

Not all ciphers are symbols. (Like a Caesar Cipher which is the alphabet)

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