Guys i need ideas and tips

Sorry for asking, but are you’re trying to make “defuse the bomb” for single player or just for other games. I just need to clarify.

its fine i have a general idea i just need a way to first make the bomb and second to make it explode after a set amount of time

Defeat the enemy?Idk, maybe that would be fun. * cough * snowbrawl * cough *.But maybe you could also set up lasers that deactivate after certain goals, extra sentrys that cant be killed until you kill the right one, so on.

For it to go off after a certain amount of time you would need a wire repeater with a delay of anything you want and when the delay is over it ends the game.

There are many guides that you can use to make this work. You would need to make a timer and when the timer ends, bomb goes off, ending the game.

Here is a guide on how to make a timer.

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Yeah, that guide would work too for your map.

@warangel0415’s map or mine? Your wording is a bit confusing.

@warangel0415’s map.

Oh alright.

Actually, you can make sentries teleport with zones and teleporters(If that still works)

Really? Oh I thought sentries weren’t affected by my devices. Well, I mean if that works then yeah.

It’s only zones. Idk if it still works