Guide to Movement Meters (Difficulty 2/10)

Saw a lot of people wondering how movement meters work and how they are useful, so I decided to make a guide about them. First of all, to give credit to where credit is due, here are some guides related to this topic that you should check out:
How to make a Tracked Item
Shdwy’s Tick Suppressor
(You’ll see why ^ is here further on in the guide)
(I can’t find anymore related to this, so if anyone knows a post I can link, just reply down below and I’ll add it.)

The Basics

So, if you want to make an energy system like the ones seen in tag and capture the flag, I’ll show you exactly how to do just that.
So, first things first, the movement meter. These are the basic settings that you would want to use. You don’t have to use the item drain number that I chose obviously, but I thought it was a good amount.

Now, the game overlay! These are what the settings should be, but you can change where the overlay goes:

Now, moving on from that, we got the item granter! This is what it should look like:

I’ll explain what that extra 50 is there for later.
And now, finally, a lifecycle AND relay device is needed. This one isn’t very hard, so all you need for the lifecycle is to have it listen for the game start, and then have it transmit on “start” or whatever you want it to be. Then the relay should be set to “All players” and the relay channel should be “game start” and it should relay when receiving on “start”

(You can switch all those channels around, I just realized I needed a relay way too late, and I was too lazy to fix any of the channels.)

How to get the energy mid-game

This part is fairly easy, but I feel as if I should still put this here.
So, first things first, grab a questioner. The settings should be like this:

Once again, you can change the “game start” to something else.
Now, for the button! (Game overlay) Just do this:

Additional Info

So, going back to the extra 50 I put in the item granter. The reason I did that is because, apparently, spawning in takes energy. This could be a bug, or it could count as movement, (I don’t really know,) but I find it kind of interesting. I will obviously add more here when I find more interesting things, as I will continue testing with them over the next few days.

Ideas with the Movement Meters

So, as I mentioned earlier, I will experiment with the Movement Meters over the next few days, or even weeks. I already have a few ideas with them, such as how would they react with a lag machine, or if you could do more complicated stuff with blocks? Please feel free to share some ideas.

New Stuff I Found
  1. Found out on how to grant more energy per question, and it’s actually really simple. So, in the questioner, change the “question answered correctly” channel to “grant energy.” Then grab an item granter, and the settings should be like this:

  2. New thing I just found, while using the lag machine, I had got it to work for just a little bit before it crashed. Well, for those few split seconds, while moving around, my energy didn’t go down at all. This is a result that I had expected, and I know this probably doesn’t mean much, but I wonder if it can be expanded on?

  3. How to add a streak! This one is a bit of a work-in-progress, but it works (kind of.)
    So, firstly, get a trigger that triggers on “grant energy” then go to blocks. This is what the blocks should look like:

Now, grab a player scoped number property with a default of 0 named “questions correct” Now, go to “When property value changes, transmit on” and for the channel, type in “streak”
Now grab an item granter with these settings:

Now, go to blocks, and add in these blocks:
And yes, I know it doesn’t gradually increase the extra energy you get when you answer it correctly. But, I will make a 2.0 guide about Movement Meters, with better details and everything else. So, stay tuned!

Difficulty Rating
  • 1/10
  • 2/10
  • 3/10
  • 4/10
  • 5/10
  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10
0 voters

Attention: I will make a 2.0 guide about Movement Meters, with better details and everything else. So, stay tuned!

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Nice job so far! Remember, you have a limited time to finish this, so make sure you do so.


Uh oh. When does my time run out for editing this?
(And how did you read so fast!?)

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Very nice! I just got an account, so I’m new to all this stuff. If you have any advice, please tell me. Thank you!


Oof, you’ll only get 24 hours, since you’re only on TL1.

Welcome to the forum, @BreathTaking! I hope you have a great experience here! If you ever need help, just ask around! After all, this is a community forum. Before diving in headfirst, I suggest you read the TOS and FAQ for a gist of the rules.


Hi wingwave im a big fan


Yeah, I really should


Now then, let’s get back on-topic. This forum has started to get a little stricter on the rules, so I suggest we try to avoid getting flagged.


Tried doing something with a lag machine and the movement meter, but it just crashed my computer :joy:


Nice guide! Hope you get it done on time. Also, welcome to the forum, @BreathTaking !


Welcome to the forum, @BreathTaking!


Thank you. Also, almost forgot, welcome to the forum, @BreathTaking !


Great guide and welcome to the forum @BreathTaking :slight_smile:


Welcome to forums @BreathTaking! Remember to read the community guidelines!


Welcome to the forum, @BreathTaking! Make sure to check out the new-user-must-read and the beginner-must-read tags.


Welcome to the forum @BreathTaking!
I hope you enjoy your time here!


Good job! Amazing guide! Also, I did some digging and still didn’t find any other guides, so I think you’re good.


Ok, thanks for that, btw!

You’re welcome! There were just a lot of bugs related to movement meters.

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For the incremental amounts of energy for the streak, you could make it so that 500 + streak x 1.25 gets rounded to the nearest whole number (forgive me if I made a mistake, I’m not that great with blocks).


Change the “streak” by 500 + questions answered correctly in a row and then multiplying that by 1.25 instead.

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